Saturdays horrible tragedy is mind boggling. We all realize in turbulent times there is episodes like this, there certainly was in the 1960's. The difference then was the direction the country was physiological make up of it's leaders and politicians. Vietnam, civil rights and more liberal thinking were controversial and fueled passion, but the idea that we were a great nation and that our leaders had are best interest at heart was at least a passing thought. Today roughly twenty five years after Reagan's trickle down economics and ten to eighteen years after free trade agreements and rewriting our laws to favor corporate America, two wars and a financial meltdown. We think differently then we did before. Gone is the notion that politicians are merely misguided. Today they are viewed as more sinister and evil. Under minding the very liberty of the country. The are mere pawns in the corporate country we live in. Most are unaware of the depth of the infiltration. Others feel helpless as their cries for justice and sanity fall on deaf ears, either from the drowning noise of campaign contributions or the complete lack of transparency which now engulfs every major agency of our government. President Obama who was ushered in with the battle cry of hope and change. Supported with the all inspiring hope producing chant of "yes we can". In reality the American people can, President Obama would not. Don't get me wrong I do not lay the economic woes of the country at his door step. I do however, charge him with grouse negligence. For failing to hold the mortgage fraud Ponzi scheme perpetrators accountable. He indicated that nothing was done that was illegal, but Janet Tavakoli and William Black as well as others would beg to differ. It might be said that doing so might make the situation worse and that is true. Though the contrary may also be just as legitimate.Without the accountability for such a huge crime which injured so many people here in the states as well as in other parts of the world. No remedy will suffice. As a practitioner for twenty years, I have often noted how treatment will initially make the patient worse prior to healing. It's as if a natural law requires it. Wisdom however is not in abundance in Washington, DC and drown completely out by corporate greed.
Thus, the American people are left. Void of leadership, completely lacking in representation and treated more like a domestic terrorist then a noble citizens. Is it any wonder the rage builds? Isn't it to be assumed that violence will erupts and people die? Of course it i, it is s inevitable. What is not not unpredictable however, is the cries by politicians to stifle free speech and limit and reduce more freedoms such as gun ownership. In the end our grant experiment of human governance will likely fail. For as great and insightful as a original founders were, their grand plans are of no match for the greed and treachery of the unrepentant human heart. Which unfortunately is in abundance in Washington, DC.
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