We find our government speaking out against Egyptian President Mubarak and yet the moral authority we have taken for granted for 60-70 years is strangely absent. How is that President Obama feels so compelled to advise Mubarak to obey the Egyptian people, when he dismisses the will of his own citizens. He somehow has come to believe that his authority is more then the office of President affords him. For instants, he took an oath to up hold the constitution and laws of the United States. Yet he feels he can ignore the blatant criminal activity that caused the present financial crisis. Think that it is under his discretion to forgive these crimes without them even being acknowledge little lone corrected. He believe that the people's desire for a healthcare system grants him automatically to decide what that system looks like without citizens input. These are certainly egregious but pale in comparison to his self appointment as head of corporate America. Were by he used the office of the president to further corporate American interests around the world without any attempt to seek the will of the American people.
I for one feel such matters are extremely dangerous. The government is first and foremost a government by and for the people. People are to run the corporations with the interest of the owners or shareholders in mind. For our government to take up that mantel means that it is in direct opposition to many of it's people who may have interest that are directly contrary to the corporation. Such as polluting or workers rights. Stepping over this obvious conflict has corrupted the government, perhaps irrevocably.
The citizens sense this. The Watch as a private entity, the Federal Reserve conducts itself, not in the direct interest of the people but as central planners. Assisting the banks and corporate America in their futures, which most likely are in direct opposition to the American people. A very strong case can be made that the banks should have been nationalized.
Then you have the discerning individuals that watch as the regulator bodies within our government become completely captured. Nowhere is this more apparent right now then with the CFTC. Having been given a mandate to correct the commodities markets they are instead choosing to hold staged public meetings and fashion rules that add procedures that further muddy the water and allow market manipulation to continue. We are standing on the edge of the silver market which has been so poorly managed and manipulated that the price has created huge demand which can not possibly be met. It will end with a complete collapse of the market or insolvency of a huge financial institution which will require additional bail outs.
So, we wait paused motionless. Needing desperately to get on with commerce and yet unable to move forward due to uncertainty that the worst is yet to come. It would have been better to have nationalized the banks, Cancelled the derivatives and modified mortgages in order to stabilize the economy and put the crisis behind us. Not that such actions would not have caused pain. They most certainly would have. However, they would have allowed for a resolution of the crisis and a point at which we could have rebuilt.
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